GIAS2 Shape Modelling

Version 1.2

This is a tutorial for using the GIAS2 package for creating and using statistical shape models.

To get started, clone or download and extract the tutorial Git repository then follow the instructions below.

If you already know or don’t care what GIAS2 is, feel free to skip the first section. If you already have GIAS2 0.4.13 or higher installed, then feel free jump straight to the Shape Modelling Workflow section.


If you have found this tutorial useful, please cite our paper:

Ju Zhang, Jacqui Hislop-Jambrich, Thor F. Besier, Predictive statistical models of baseline variations in 3-D femoral cortex morphology, Medical Engineering & Physics, Volume 38, Issue 5, 2016, Pages 450-457, ISSN 1350-4533,